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Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 2012

Aperto da Joepmaster, Aprile 08, 2012, 08:50:04 PM

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[size=200]Bettas4all presents: The Holland Betta Show 2012[/size]

Bettas4all presents: The Holland Betta Show 2012
17-19 August 2012
Kasteeltuinen Arcen
Lingsforterweg 26
5944 BE Arcen
The Netherlands

In 2010 (265 showbettas by 26 European breeders) and 2011 (308 showbettas by 36 European breeders) the Holland Betta Show has been a big international success. is proud to be invited for 20th edition of the Holland Koi Show to organize the Holland Betta Show 2012 in the beautiful Castle Gardens of Arcen, the Netherlands.

The Holland Betta Show 2012 can be found in the fully acclamatized tent of the Holland Aquarium Show and is a unique opportunity for Bettas4all to introduce our beautiful hobby to the public. A dedicated team of experienced betta hobbyists will provide you with all the necessary information with respect to the keeping, breeding and showing of showbettas.
At the show approximately 250-300 show Bettas of different color and finnage varieties will be shown. The fish will be judged on vitality, color, finnage, bodyshape and overall appearance by a team of experienced hobbyists according to the Bettas4all standard to determine the winners of the various showclasses and the special prices. It will also be possible for the visitors to purchase some quality fish for a reasonable price.

Important information:[/u]
Entry fee per fish: 2.50 euro.[/u]
Maximum number of fish per breeder: 15*.[/u]
* In case all 308 tanks are booked but more breeders would like to enter fish, the maximum number of entries per breeder could be reduced to maximally 10 fish in order to promote an even more interesting competition.[/i]

!!Special bonus for participants!!
• When you enter <10 fish you will receive a 1-day entry ticket for the entire event (with a value of 16,50 euro).
• When you enter >10 fish you will receive a 3-day entry ticket for the entire event (with a value of 40 euro).

Benching of the fish takes place on Thursday 16th August 2012 between 15.00-20.00h. You can collect your fish again on Sunday 19th August 2012 at 18.00h.

Payment of the entry fee has to be made when you bench your fish on Thurday 16th August 2012.

Registration will open on the 1st of July 2012 and will close at the 12th of august 2012.

We would like to invite you all for the 20th edition of the Holland Koi Show. We are looking forward to welcome you in the tent of the Holland Aquarium Show to come and see the Holland Betta Show for yourself. Please mark 17-19 August 2012 in your agenda![/i]

In order to get an impression of our previous events, please click the links below:
- Holland Betta Show 2010
- Holland Betta Show 2011

During the coming months our show website and this topic will be regularly updated to provide you with all the necessary information.

Have fun!

With kind regards,

The Bettas4all Show Team


andrea queirolo, topo ;)

Roberto Silverii

Hi Joep! Thanks a lot for sharing!!! ;)

Want to be there this year, i must!!!! :)


Dear all,

We are happy to announce that the registration for the Holland Betta Show 2012 has officially opened!

It now is possible to register the number of fish you would like to enter at the Holland Betta Show 2012 directly online at our show website:

To access the online registration form please select "Holland Betta Show 2012" in the menu followed by clicking "entryforms" in the dropdown menu.
Registration closes on the 12th of august 2012 or unless we have reached a maximum of 308 showbettas.

We hope to welcome you and your fish at the Holland Betta Show 2012.

With kind regards from the Netherlands,

The Bettas4all Show Team

Roberto Silverii

Thanks for sharing Joep! :)

i've just registered my fishes :)


i think i don't have fish for this show, but i hope my girlfriend accept to visit nederlands for our holiday!
andrea queirolo, topo ;)


I registered 5 fish ;)

I'm happy to know there will be an AIB representative in place :laugh: like two years ago and aslo Rita from, I guess.
A lot of Italy in Arcen!
Matteo :cheer:


if my fish grow well maybe i send one or two :) but i can't go there :(


I registered 12 of my fish, I can't wait to be there!



We will see the results, I started to work on a couple of interessting lines, but I am still at the beginning...


allora si spedisce? o li portate su? potrei iscrivere qualcosa pure io... anche se al momento ovviamente non saprei se ho qualcosa di decente...
andrea queirolo, topo ;)


Io mi trasferisco, devi sentire da Alby e Roby. Ma tu non avevi detto che non avresti portato nulla???


io ne ho iscritti 15 dei miei!:bounce:
pensavamo di partire io e Roby da casa mia,quindi se volete potete mandare tutti a mè i vostri pesci!;)
sappiate però che non ho comprensibilmente posto x stiparli tutti e che quindi rimarranno nei sacchettini fino all'arrivo allo show quindi non vi conviene spedire 15 giorni prima!:) :P
grossolanamente possiamo già fare una lista di chi si è iscritto e quanti pesci?