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Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 2012

Aperto da Joepmaster, Aprile 08, 2012, 08:50:04 PM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva



Dear all,

Time for an update! At the 1st of July the registration to the Holland Betta Show 2012 opened! We are happy to inform you that within 12 days already more than 250 fish have been registered! This means that we still have limited space available, so please do not hesitate to register your fish for our show before all places are taken.

Here the list of participants so far:
- Sebastiaan van der Wijngaart (The Netherlands)
- Jamie King (Czech Republic)
- Joep van Esch (The Netherlands)
- Roberto Silverii (Italy)
- Boris Weber-Schwartz (Germany)
- Sebastian Drewniak  (Germany)
- Arie de Koning (The Netherlands)
- Louise de Jong (The Netherlands)
- Jolanda Wisseborn (The Netherlands)
- Sabrina Elderhorst (The Netherlands)
- Holger Rabe (Germany)
- Sebastian Säck (Germany)
- Daniel Dold (Germany)
- Salvatore Unali (Germany)
- Marion Henstra (Germany)
- Marion Fleischer (Germany)
- Axel Eywill (Germany)
- Eugenio Fornasiero (Italy)
- Michiel van Bemmel (The Netherlands)
- Maik Faila (Germany)
- Alberto Montalbetti (Italy)
- Matteo Grassi   (Italy)
- Maurizio Tomei (Italy)
- Gastone Tomei (Italy)
This list will be updated in the coming weeks.

Program Holland Betta Show 2012
Thursday 16th of August 2012
9:00-15:00h Build up Holland Betta Show by the Bettas4all Show Team + helpers.
15:00-20:00h Benching of the fish by the participants.

Friday 17th of August 2012
8:00h Start judging of the fish.
9:30h Opening show location for the public!
13:00h End judging of the fish.
14:00h Start sales fish (with exception of the winning fish and only if offered for sale by their owner!).
18:00h Show location closed for the public!

Saturday 18th of August 2012
9:30h Opening show location for the public!
18:00h Show location closed for the public!

Sunday 19st of August 2012
9:30h Opening show location for the public!
10:00-11.00h Price ceremony
11:00h Start sales winning fish (only if offered for sale by their owner!)
18:00h Show location closed for the public!
18:00-......h Picking up of the fishes by the participants and break down of the Holland Betta Show 2012.

We are happy to inform you that the Holland Aquarium tent (red circle) again can be found on its old location as in 2009 and 2010. In order to get an impression of the showterrain of the Holland Koi Show 2012, a detailed plan can be viewed by clicking on the picture below:

In the Holland Aquarium tent you can find the Holland Betta Show, the Holland Shrimp Show, Holland Gold Fish show and many aquaristic stands can be found.

To get an impression of the immense size of the Holland Koi Show, please have a look at this picture which represents the orange circle in the plan above:

We are looking forward to meet you all at the Holland Betta Show 2012!

With kind regards,

The Bettas4all Show Team 2012


Dear all,

We are happy to inform you that the registration for the Holland Betta Show 2012 is now officially closed! Initially we mentioned before that registration would be possible up to the 12th of August 2012 but because of a quick and enthusiastic response of hobbyists from all over Europe we are now fully booked! This means we again will have 308 tanks with European bred show Bettas at the Holland Betta Show 2012.

The fish at the Holland Betta Show 2012 will be judged by the following judging team:
- James King (Paradox_error) Australia/Czech Republic
- Salvatore Unali (Totto) - Germany
- Boris Weber (Boris) - Germany
- Axel Eywill - Germany
- Eugenio Fornasiero (Verdeblu) - Italy
- Joep van Esch (Joepmaster) - The Netherlands
- Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift) - The Netherlands

With kind regards,

The Bettas4all Show Team 2012


Scusate uso il topic per fare i complimenti ad Eugenio.

Roberto Silverii

Assolutamente si!!! Grandissimo Eugenio! Un altro grande traguardo per AIB e per l'allevamento Italiano!! :)

Alexander MacNaughton

My compliments for Eugenio!

I'cant coming... What a pity! :pinch:
Non cercare di diventare un uomo di successo, ma piuttosto un uomo di valore. Albert Einstein


I am just giving a hand, there's no need for compliments whatsoever ;)

Roberto Silverii

In bocca al lupo ai nostri pesci ed al primo giudice Italiano!! :)

Roberto Silverii

Ragazzi anche questa volta ottime notizie dall'Olanda!

Ho sentito Alby, questo giro è stato lui a sbancare, portando a casa addirittura il Best of Show Female!!!!!!

Avanti tutta AIB! :aib:


:woohoo: Hai capito sto' paraculo zitto zitto :laugh:
Complimenti ;)

Alexander MacNaughton

Hip hip urrà per l' AIBoia! :laugh: :) :cheer: :) :laugh:
Non cercare di diventare un uomo di successo, ma piuttosto un uomo di valore. Albert Einstein


Complimenti ad Alby.
Se lo merita almeno per le fatiche che ha fatto per essere lì. :P

Roberto Silverii

Marco se non erro dovresti aver preso un premio anche tu! Domani li sento di nuovo e mi faccio dire per bene :)


Matteo :cheer: