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KFF Betta Show Berlin - 28.-30. October 2011

Aperto da Nicebetta-Germany, Agosto 03, 2011, 04:27:00 PM

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I used the translator and I understood only a little bit what you have written here.

If anybody wants to come to Berlin with Bettafish for the competition, then please note that the judging is at friday morning. So the fish must be there at thursday evening or at friday early in the morning, just before judging.


Ok! We are just deciding how to come! in case there is some fish for the competition we will probably send them before!


[quote="DavideVD" post=21266]In tempo per vedere lo show e magari qualche bella tedesca :woohoo: (Topo e Verdeblu esclusi B)   )[/quote]
spero che non escludi anche le cameriere delle birrerie!!!
[quote="verdeblu" post=21282]Ok! We are just deciding how to come! in case there is some fish for the competition we will probably send them before![/quote]
i have only 2 or 3 fish... e non mi viene in inglese come si dice che per solo 2 o 3 non conviene spedire da solo, se fosse possibile... help me eugenio...
andrea queirolo, topo ;)

Alexander MacNaughton

Topo say: "I have only 2 or 3 betta's to send but isn't convenient.

If there are other member which dividing delivery charges..."

Spero di aver tradotto bene.
I hope to translate correct.
Non cercare di diventare un uomo di successo, ma piuttosto un uomo di valore. Albert Einstein


Only 2 or 3 fish!!!!!

What about Eugenio, Roberto, Davide and so on? Where are all the Offsprings from the fish of Friedrichshafen and Ranco?

But 2 or 3 fish are better then no fish :)


hahahaha, the 2 or 3 fish are descendants of friedrichshafen!:P
 personally those reproduced by the parents of Ranco are still too small!:( :blush:


[quote="Nicebetta-Germany" post=21309]Only 2 or 3 fish!!!!!

What about Eugenio, Roberto, Davide and so on? Where are all the Offsprings from the fish of Friedrichshafen and Ranco?

But 2 or 3 fish are better then no fish :)[/quote]
it's the only fish that could be interesting for a show...
i have 4 male and 3 female very good but after a spawn are not so beauty :(
andrea queirolo, topo ;)



Hi Peter!

Actually I have now the F2 of some of those fish (one orange couple that I purchased in Germany) and the fish are too young for the show. So unfortunately I will not participate this time but I hope to have something for Friedrichshafen next year :finger:

Regarding the show if the guys organize a car I might come but just as a "spectator" :D


Sapete per caso se ci sono anche altre specie? Cioè è una fiera o è solo dedicato ai Betta questo evento? Grazie mille :).

P.S. L'età (misure) minima dei esemplari da esporre?


Ioana dovrebbe essere una fiera multispecie di animali da compagnia ;)
Le misure dovrebbero essere (da verificare): corpo 3,5 cm (coda esclusa)
<-- La mia attività principale :aib:


Grazie mille Davide. Ho un'esemplarino niente male... Hmmm non so pero' se arrivo a 3,5 cm in un mese. Devo misurarlo :woohoo: !
Come forma a me piace molto, come colore... ''ni'' :blush: ! E' bianco (cambodian) senza iridescenze. Mah, magari lo tolgo dalla bottiglia e lo fotografo :blush: .


Hello @ all,

could anyone telle me how is the current status?

Does anyone come to Berlin?
How many come?
Maybe who come?

Because we have ordered a few tables in a restaurant for the two evenings (Friday and Saturday) to talk together and to drink one or more beer :whistle:

As I know at the exhibition there will be a few other fish and a few other labyrinth. But the typ I do nit know.

I realy hope that many Italien will come.

@ Roberto
Marion could not get into this forum. Could you look where the problem is, please?

Many Greetings

Roberto Silverii

Hi Peter, really strange, everything ok, i made registration for Marion 2 months ago and sent her name and password :(

If she can't, ill make another one ;)