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7. KFF Betta Show – Aqua-Fish - Friedrichshafen

Aperto da Nicebetta-Germany, Novembre 20, 2011, 05:41:46 PM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva

Roberto Silverii

Peter, are those species gonna be imported from Asian breeders for people who ask them? Or you'll just ask to send them for the show and then people can buy them?


@ Roberto

The people who will order direktly can do this. The transshipper Jan will bring them to Friedrichshafen, if they want.
Or the people order direkt by Jan.

But the reason while I ask is that we want to look about the species which the people want. Maybe we can get them and then we will bring them to the show, so that everybody can bye them....or not

Roberto Silverii

No problem Peter, just to ask you and make it clear to everybody :)

Don't forget the mail that i sent you and Manuela some days ago :) ;)


[quote="Roberto Silverii" post=27279]No problem Peter, just to ask you and make it clear to everybody :)

Don't forget the mail that i sent you and Manuela some days ago :) ;)[/quote]

 I am working at it :)


Wildspecies wishes :)

- Betta imbellis
- Betta smaragdina
- Betta persephone

copy and write your wishes to the list

dalla piet

Hi nicebetta-Germany:
i search B. Macrostoma or Betta Strohi...... :-)

dalla piet

dalla piet

Qualcuno verrebbe alla fiera???  i macrostoma si trovano li?

dalla piet


we we....non scherziamo....inserisci subito anche il mio nome nella lista...:angry::P

dalla piet

Allora stiamo aumentando:

-dalla pietà
-Roberto Silverii

Dai che andiamo su in BATTERADA....

Scusa roberto se ho scritto silvieri ma con tutto sto parlare di silvio...:woohoo:

Roberto Silverii


hai tolto una I dalla fine e l'hai messa in mezzo :D :D