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9. KFF Betta Show - March 2013 - Friedrichshafen

Aperto da Nicebetta-Germany, Dicembre 16, 2012, 01:35:22 PM

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9. KFF Betta Show – Aqua-Fish - Friedrichshafen (Germany)

Kampffischfreunde at Friedrichshafen on the Aqua-Fish

Our 9th Betta Show will again take place at Friedrichshafen. It is the fourth time that we are on the Aqua-Fish, one of the largest aquarium trade fairs in Germany.

Already now run the first preparations.

This time the Betta will not be the only highlight of the show, also our main judge.

We managed to win as Main Judge Joseph Becerra from the U.S.A.

Joseph Becerra is not only certified IBC judges with worldwide approval, he is also the president of the IBC (International Betta Congress).

He will come with his wife Amy - also globally approved IBC Judge - to Friedrichshafen and both will judge with the other IBC judges from Europe the fish judging by the IBC standards.

Based on experience in recent years, this time on Friday will be no fish auctioned or sold. The Friday is only used to assess the fish. This has in recent years takes time until late in the afternoon.

In addition to the awards ceremony and the individual auction on Saturday will also this year the Area2 Year End Awards for the show year 2011-2012 issued in a solemn hour.

A more detailed schedule will be published in January on our "new websites".

The show rules can be already seen on our "old" website, as well as the IBC standards.

The online-entryform and any additional information, we will only take up in January, with the release of our new website. Entries can therefore be reported from early January.

Each breeder can participate. Neuzüchtern to get you started, there are the Newbreeder classes.

The valuation of Show betta will be on Friday the 08th March in 2013. All fish must be delivered at Thursday the 07th March between 5pm to 7pm.

With Betta Show at Friedrichshafen also begin the competition for the "Master of the Year 2013".

On our website you find videos for Aqua-fish 2010 and 2011 and also articels about the shows in the last years.

At our stand is suitable for anyone the opportunity to bid on many different Betta. Next we offer a knowledgeable advice for keeping, care and breeding of fighting fish.

Messe Friedrichshafen
Neue Messe 1
88046 Friedrichshafen

Some Navigation system not recognize the street name "Neue Messe 1" - in this case please "Allmannsweiler Strasse 132" use.

We look forward to the many participants and visitors, to friends and acquaintances.

The Kampffischfreunde


thak you for sharing peter!

per gli allevatori che intendono partecipare vorrei evidenziare questo passaggio:
The valuation of Show betta will be on Friday the 08th March in 2013. All fish must be delivered at Thursday the 07th March between 5pm to 7pm.
dovremmo iniziare a parlare per organizzarci per mandare su... io parteciperei! qualcuno pensa di salire per il sette marzo???
andrea queirolo, topo ;)


Hi, just a simple question about last year there a possibility to get a full list of expositors/private people who sold fishes last year?
I'm looking for the contact of a man who sold betta splendens ancestral form/color in Friedrichshafen...can you help me?

solo non selezionati :-)

Partecipa al progetto di mantenimento AIB!

Roberto Silverii

Thanks for sharing Peter! :) Looking forward to take part to the show like last years or at least to send my Bettas! ;)


Thanks a lot.

@ Roberto
You have to every year :whistle:

@ all
I think this is a reason that many people (many IBC Members) will come.

CitazioneThis time the Betta will not be the only highlight of the show, also our main judge.

We managed to win as Main Judge Joseph Becerra from the U.S.A.

Joseph Becerra is not only certified IBC judges with worldwide approval, he is also the president of the IBC (International Betta Congress).

He will come with his wife Amy - also globally approved IBC Judge - to Friedrichshafen and both will judge with the other IBC judges from Europe the fish judging by the IBC standards.

We are so happy. The President will come. And also his wife. That will be great.

I hope too see many many many people of Area2 (Europe).

Many Greetings


Hello @ all,

our new website is online since a few days.

Also the online entryform is finished.

We hope to see many of you and your Bettafish.

Many Greeting


I hope to come too Peter. I will see if someone from Italy is iterested in coming to the show.
<-- La mia attività principale :aib:


dovrei sapere per potermi organizzare, ma parteciperemo? nel senso: qualcuno va su di giovedì? o si spedisce? io spedire non spedisco per cui semmai devo passare da qualcusno a mollargli i pesci la settimana prima....
andrea queirolo, topo ;)


Quindi ragazzi è ora di prenotare l'albergo e mettersi d'accordo perché è già tutto pieno in zona... come la mettiamo?


quale sarebbe il programma di viaggio (date)? chi è interessato?
<-- La mia attività principale :aib:


Io devo giudicare quindi parto giovedì perché il giudizio è venerdì mattina, ma viaggio in direzione opposta alla vostra :)

Roberto Silverii

Se vogliamo esporre dobbiamo partire per forza giovedì mattina o pomeriggio presto da Milano..oppure fare come la volta scorsa e arrivare di notte, per mettere i pesci in vasca il venerdì mattina prima del giudizio


[quote="verdeblu" post=54992]Quindi ragazzi è ora di prenotare l'albergo e mettersi d'accordo perché è già tutto pieno in zona... come la mettiamo?[/quote]

Già tutto pieno?? allora forse è meglio organizzarsi...mi è stata raccontata più volte la vostra spiacevole avventura :S  e non vorrei si ripetesse! :laugh: :laugh:

Roberto Silverii

Io affitto un posto nell'astra station wagon di Eugenio, a me è piaciuta l'esperienza dell'anno scorso :D
