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Zurigo 27-28 agosto 2011

Aperto da verdeblu, Agosto 16, 2011, 07:57:06 AM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva


Volevamo segnalarvi un fantastico show IBC che si terrà molto presto a Zurigo.

Io Roberto ed Alberto pensavamo di andare sabato 27 Agosto, riporto le info in inglese come dal sito, chiunque fosse interessato scriva qui!

European Betta Friends are proud to anounce their third Show, this time again in Zürich.

We are going to host this Show again in cooperation with Verein Aquarium Zürich.

VAZ President Hans Gonella provided us this time with yet another perfect location: Stadtgärtnerei Zürich, the city nursery.

We would hereby like to thank Hans Gonella and VAZ cordially for their support.

It will be an IBC Sanctionned International Show with fish from all over Europe and Asia.

As usual we expect many breeders to participate in the Show and many not (yet) Betta infected visitors to come and we are all working hard again to make this a memorable weekend for everyone.

The Show will be open to the public Saturday, August 27th from 11.00-18.00 hrs and Sunday, August 28th from 10.00-14.00 hrs, free entry.


Friday, August 26th:

- 17.00 hrs Arrival of participants.
- 18.00 hrs Welcome speech and drink.
- 19.00 hrs Meal.
- 20.00 hrs Benching of fish in the different classes, with help.

! No Bettas will be admitted to the show Saturday morning !

Saturday, August 27th:

- 08.00- 13.00 hrs Judging with apprentices

! Showroom closed ! our "Betta-Bar" will be open...

You can visit the showroom and take photos before opening to public.
Don't forget to take note of the Bettas you may want to bid on during the sale.

- 11.00 -18.00 hrs swap shop
- 13.00 -18.00 hrs Showroom open to the public.
- 15.00 -15.45 hrs Set-up of the auction.
- 16.00 -17.45 hrs Auction, (only for Bettas that competed in the show).
- 19.00 -20.30 hrs Prize-giving
- 21.00 hrs Dinner and party.

Sunday, August 28th:

- 10.00 - 14.00 hrs showroom open to the Public
- 12.00 hrs seminar: Hans Gonella - "Das Bistarium" Lebensraum für südamerikanische Fluss-Monster
- 14.00 hrs seminar: Roger Bischof - "Ein Leben mit Haien" (Biologie der Haie/die weltweite Hai-Situation)
Verein Sharkproject Switzerland
Internationale Initiative zum Schutz der Haie
und der marinen Ökosysteme

As the schedule is extremely tight, we ask everyone to help us by having respect for the schedule, the quality of our show depends on that, thank you very much !

And not forget to read the show rules, there are some important things !

Judges, apprentices

IBC certified judges:

- Claire Pavia
- Sabrina Dichne
- Marion Schultheiss
- Jean-Michel Jeannerat
- Charles-Maxime Baille
- Vincent Jaquet
- Peter Bärwald
- Joachim Menz


- Florent Philipot
- Yvan Peré


avete la possibilità di riportare pesci?
in caso a me serve un buon crowntail :)


Abbiamo ordinato dei pesci da Siamimbellis e ci sono anche dei crowntail molto interessanti (i CT di Sarawut sono molto migliorati l'ultimo anno), preparerò un post più preciso a breve...

Per evitare problemi non assicuriamo nulla per quanto riguarda i pesci che saranno venduti all'asta a Zurigo, se ci sarà qualche cosa di interessante lo prenderemo ma non vogliamo ordinazioni preventive perché è sempre complesso gestirle.

Comunque non ti preoccupare Francè, faremo in modo di riportarti qualcosa... hai preferenze di colore?


Come colori, vanno bene copper, copper-red, red-dragon, white platinum...
la cosa veramente importante è la forma, la simmetria, una buona caudale, ecc...
però non voglio accontentarmi, tanto non ho fretta, quindi prendetemelo solo se è qualcosa di veramente valido :)


ok solo pesci veramente "stunning" :)


It was a great time.

Many Greetings

Alexander MacNaughton

Peter it's... it's ... it's wonderful. Great photo!

Thank's :woohoo: for share this experience through this photograph!

And sorry for my bad english! :blink:
Non cercare di diventare un uomo di successo, ma piuttosto un uomo di valore. Albert Einstein


Hello Peter, many, many beautiful photos!
see you soon!;)