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Bettas4all presents the Holland Betta Show 2012

Aperto da Joepmaster, Aprile 08, 2012, 08:50:04 PM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva


Grande Alby lo sapevo non ho mai avuto dubbi...!!!!! spero abbia fatto incetta anche di bionde,rosse ecc.ecc. io e lui sappiamo...!!!!! eheheheh..!!!! :P :P ;) ;)


Carlalberto Sansavini "Carsa1"


e dopo 14 ore di treno rieccomi quì!!! ora capisco perchè i treni per la germania li chiamavano "i treni della morte"!!!!!!:P :whistle: :whistle:

innanzitutto ringrazio TUTTI per i complimenti e vi aggiorno anche sui risultati:

Alby: 2 primi e 2 secondi tra cui un best of show female.
Eugenio: se ricordo bene un 2 due 3 un 4 e un 5.
Matteo: un 3 posto con una femmina HM.
Marcosovico: un 2 posto con un maschio CT
Maurizio: un 3 posto con una femmina HM marble.

ho fatto moltissime foto allo show sia dei betta che delle carpe e dei bonsai,per i pesci ho lasciato lavorare lo staff bettas4all,quindi per le foto dei vincitori dobbiamo attendere loro!;)
ho fatto moltissime foto anche alla fishroom della pluripremiata allevatrice svizzera Jolanda Schar che mi ha gentilmente ospitato per una notte a casa sua vicino a Zurigo,veramente INCREDIBILE,vasche stracolme di piante dove alleva betta wild (tra cui mahachai e unimaculata ITALIANI!!!)killy,macropodus,molly,platy,ancystrus,ciclidi e ovviamente BETTA SHOW!!!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


Grazie Alby!
Sia per le notizie che per aver ospitato e trasportato i miei pesci in gara :P e di nuovo complimenti estesi a tutti gli altri premiati.

Ho già visto qualche foto niente male su Bettas4all, ma compare sempre Eugenio :laugh:  tu dov'eri nascosto?
Matteo :cheer:


Come al solito il buon vecchio Alby era a BERE BIRRA!!! Purtroppo poche bionde per lui ma quasi una finta rossa ;)

Ragazzi ci siete mancati tutti, dobbiamo organizzarci per Friedrichsafen, un conto è mandare i pesci, altra cosa è essere in mezzo agli allevatori in carne e ossa!!!


[quote="verdeblu" post=45492]Come al solito il buon vecchio Alby era a BERE BIRRA!!! Purtroppo poche bionde per lui ma quasi una finta rossa ;)

Ragazzi ci siete mancati tutti, dobbiamo organizzarci per Friedrichsafen, un conto è mandare i pesci, altra cosa è essere in mezzo agli allevatori in carne e ossa!!![/quote]la finta fucsia vorrai dire!!:P :P
ero troppo ubriaco per capire quello che mi ha inglese poi x giunta...sò solo che mi ha detto di bere il "caffelatte" per riprendermi invece era Beilis...:P
poi sono tornato a sedere con voi e li resto lo conosci bene.....:sick: :whistle: :whistle:


Ahahahahah grande alby! :°D

Assolutamente posta le foto della fishroom di Jolanda Schar! Sono curiosissimo e contentissimo di sapere che i miei pesci sono andati di nuono in buone mani! :)
solo non selezionati :-)

Partecipa al progetto di mantenimento AIB!


per le foto dello show potete vederle su facebook,per quanto riguarda la fishroom di Jolanda vorrei scrivere un articolo per il magazine con le foto!!;)
cmq la tua coppia di unimaculata stà benissimo,si è riprodotta e ha molti piccoli che crescono con i genitori,mi ha detto che non li mangiano!:)


solo non selezionati :-)

Partecipa al progetto di mantenimento AIB!


Alby ma non puoi mettere qualche foto anche qui?

Io sono un luddista anti-facebook!!!!! :S :S :S



Anche perché FB viene schermato dalla maggior parte delle reti aziendali, mentre io me le guarderei volentieri in una pausa dal lavoro.
Matteo :cheer:


Dear all,

The Holland Betta Show 2012 was a big success! In total 308 show bettas were entered by 36 breeders from 7 European countries (Czech Republic (4x), France (1x), Germany (11x), Italy (7x), Slovakia (1x), Switzerland (2x), and The Netherlands (10x)).
We were extremely happy to welcome so many members of our forum and to meet many other (new) betta hobbyists.

Before I continue with the results, I first want to thank the following people without whom this show would not have been possible:
- Toën Feyen for all his help, trust and giving us the opportunity organize this event at the 20th Holland Koi Show.
- Our sponsor ZooMed for their support and providing us with several products of their betta-line!
- Domburg Sportprijzen Holland for providing the beautiful awards for the 1st placed fish of each show class and the promotional products.
- The Bettas4all Judging Team consisting of Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands), Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands), Salvatore Unali (Totto; Germany), Boris Weber-Schwartz (Boris; Germany), Axel Eywill (Dino47; Germany), Claus-Peter Gro?e (Darkman0815; Germany), James King (Paradox_error; Australia/Czech Republic) and Eugenio Fornasiero (Verdeblubetta; Italy).
- Annemiek van Driel & Arie de Koning for coordinating the groceries in order to provide us with food and drinks at breakfast and the amazing BBQs.
- All the breeders who have trusted us with their showfish: Sebastiaan van der Wijngaart (Bassiej; The Netherlands), Jamie King (Paradox_error; Germany), Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands), Roberto Silverii (Roxx; Italy), Boris Weber-Schwartz (Boris; Germany), Sebastian Drewniak (DerMoth; Germany), Arie de Koning (Arie; The Netherlands), Louise de Jong (Loisjong; The Netherlands), Jolanda Wisseborn (Jolanda; The Netherlands), Sabrina Elderhorst (Sabrina; The Netherlands), Holger Rabe (Germany), Sebastian Säck (Zippo1985; Germany), Daniel Dold (Germany), Salvatore Unali (Totto; Germany), Marion Henstra (Germany), Marion Fleischer (Gytha; Germany), Axel Eywill (Dino47; Germany), Eugenio Fornasiero (Verdeblubetta; Italy), Michiel van Bemmel (Chieltjes; The Netherlands), Maik Faila (Germany), Alberto Montalbetti (Alby; Italy), Matteo Grassi (Italy), Maurizio Tomei (Italy), Gastone Tomei (Italy), Nina Kinscher (Germany), Gerrit van Harn (B.C.Amsterdam; The Netherlands), Jiri Bosina (Czech Republic), Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republic), Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands), Daniel Dekanek (Slovakia), Jolanda Schär (Switzerland), Nick Späth (Nicklate; Switzerlate), Marco Micelli (Italy), Stefan Krüger (The-RDS; France), Thomas Chuda (To-Chu; Czech Republic), Mariska Hoogerwerf (Kika; The Netherlands).
- Tomas Chuda and Stefan Kruger who did an excellent job photographing the winning fish.
- All the visitors who took the time to visit our show.

Last but not least I especially would like to thank all my collegues of the Bettas4all Show Team 2012 consisting of Jolanda and Gerrit Wisseborn, Ilse Hoekstra, Michel Stokkelaar, Michiel van Bemmel, Arie de Koning and Annemiek van Driel, Jamie King and Stefan Kruger.

The results of the Holland Betta Show 2012:
Citazione di: Results Holland Betta Show 2012PK-1 + PK-2 Traditional Plakat males – All Colors (3 fish by 3 breeders of 3 European countries)
1. 23 – Jamie King (Paradox error; Czech Republic)

PK-3a  Asymmetrical Halfmoon Plakat males – Iridescent (24 fish by 14 breeders of 5 European countries)
1. 190 – Alberto Montalbetti (Alby; Italy)
2. 25 –  Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; the Netherlands)
3. 68 – Arie de Koning (Arie; the Netherlands)
4. 73 – Arie de Koning (Arie; the Netherlands)  
5. 26 – Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; the Netherlands)

PK-3b Asymmetrical Halfmoon Plakat males – Non-iridescent (11 fish by 6 breeders of 5 European countries)
1. 66 – Arie de Koning (Arie; the Netherlands)  
2. 244 – Jiri Bosina (Czech Republic)
3. 168 – Euginio Fornasiero (Verdebluebetta; Italy)
4. 171 – Euginio Fornasiero (Verdebluebetta; Italy)
5. 169 – Euginio Fornasiero (Verdebluebetta; Italy)

PK-4a Asymmetrical  Halfmoon Plakat males – Lightbody Multicolor (18 fish by 10 breeders of 6 European countries)
1. 113 – Sebastiaan Säck (Zippo1985; Germany)
2. 199 – Alberto Montalbetti (Alby; Italy)
3. 72 – Arie de Koning (Arie; The Netherlands)
4. 98 – Holger Rabe (Germany)
5. 150 – Marion Fleischer (Gytha; Germany)

PK-4b Asymmetrical  Halfmoon Plakat males – Darkbody Multicolor (33 fish by 15 breeders of 6 European countries)
1. 247 – Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republic)
2. 241 – Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republic)
3. 71 – Arie de Koning (Germany)
4. 16 – Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)
5. 52 – Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)

PK-4c Asymmetrical  Halfmoon Plakat males – AOC Banded (9 fish by 5 breeders of 3 European countries)
1. 112 – Sebastian Säck (Zippo1985; Germany)
2. 110 – Sebastian Säck (Zippo1985; Germany)
3. 111 – Sebastian Säck (Zippo1985; Germany)
4. 242 – Jiri Bosina (Czech Republic)
5. 61 – Sebastian Säck (Der Moth; Germany)

PK-5 Symmetrical Plakat  males – All colors ( 3 fish by 2 breeders of  2 European countries)
1. 253 – Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republic)

VT-1 Veiltail males – All colors (10 fish fish by 4 breeders of 2 European countries)
1. 302- Thomas Chuda (To-Chu; Czech Republic)
2. 75 - Louise de Jong (Loisjong; The Netherlands)
3. 79 - Louise de Jong (Loisjong; The Netherlands)

HM-1 Halfmoon males – Unicolor  (18 fish by 11 breeders of 5 European countries)
1. 287 – Jolanda Schär (Switzerland)
2. 280 – Jolanda Schär (Switzerland)
3. 16 –  Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)
4. 120 – Sebastiaan Sack (Zippo1985; Germany)
5. 24 – Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)

HM-2A Halfmoon males – AOC Banded (20 fish by 12 breeders of  European countries)
1. 156 – Marion Fleischer (Gytha; Germany)
2. 124 – Salvatore unali (Totto; Germany)
3. 13 – Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)
4. 264 – Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; the Netherlands)
5. 135 – Marion Henstra (Germany)

HM-2B Halfmoon males – AOC Multicolor (11 fish by 8 breeders of 4 European countries)
1. 282 – Jolanda Schär (Switzerland)
2. 117 – Sebastian Säck (Zippo1985; Germany)
3. 138 – Marion Henstra (Germany)
4. 116 – Sebastian Säck (Zippo1985; Germany)
5. 222 – Nina Kinscher (Germany)

DT-1 +DT-2 Doubletail males – All colors  (5 fish by  breeders of  European countries)
1. 236 – Jiri Bosina (Czech Republic)

CT-1 + CT-2  Crowntail males – All Colors (10 fish by 5 breeders of 4 European countries)
1. 94 – Jolanda Wisseborn (Jolanda; The Netherlands)
2. 295 – Marco Micelli (Italy)
3. 87 – Jolanda Wisseborn (Jolanda; The Netherlands)
4. 178 – Jolanda Wisseborn (Jolanda; The Netherlands)
5. 268 – Daniel Dekanek (Slovakia)

SC-2a – Form & Variation Crowntail Plakat (17 fish by 9 breeders of 5 European countries)
1. 243 – Jiri Bosina (Czech Republic)
2. 161 - Axel Eywill (Dino47; Germany)
3. 251 – Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republic)
4. 274 – Daniel Dekanek (Slovakia)
5. 15 – Jamie King (Paradox; Czech Republic)

SC-2b Form & Variation Crowntail Plakat (6 fish by 4 breeders of 4 European countries)
1. 28 – Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands)
2. 238 – Jiri Bosina (Czech Republic)
3. 29 – Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands)

 Fem-1 Traditional Plakat females – All Colors (6 fish by 3 breeders of  1 European country)
1. 49 – Boris Weber-Schwartz (Boris; Germany)
2. 47 – Boris Weber-Schwartz (Boris; Germany)
3. 48 – Boris Weber-Schwartz (Boris; Germany)

Fem-2 Veiltail females – All Colors (3 fish by 2 breeders of  2 European countries)
1. 121 – Daniel Dold (Germany)

Fem-3a Halfmoon Plakat females – Iridescent (13 fish by 9 breeders of 4   European countries)
1. 252 – Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republik)
2. 5 – Sebastiaan van der Wijngaart (Bassiej; the Netherlands)
3. 33 – Joep van esch(Joepmaster; the Netherlands)
4. 21 – Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)
5. 8  – Sebastiaan van der Wijngaart (Bassiej; the Netherlands)

Fem-3b Halfmoon Plakat females – Non-Iridiscent (12 fish by 6 breeders of 3 European countries)
1. 32 – Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands)
2. 173 – Eugenio Fornasiero (Verdeblubetta; Italy)
3. 176 – Eugenio Fornasiero (Verdeblubetta; Italy)
4. 261 – Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands)
5. 65 – Arie de Koning (Arie; The Netherlands)

Fem-3c Halfmoon Plakat females – All Other Colors (AOC) (16 fish by 8 breeders of 5 European countries)
1. 201 – Alberto Montalbetti (Alby; Italy)
2. 200 – Alberto Montalbetti (Alby; Italy)
3. 254 – Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republic)
4. 1 – Sebastiaan van der Wijngaart (Bassiej; The Netherlands)
5. 153 – Marion Fleischer (Gytha; The Netherlands)

HM-4a Halfmoon females – Unicolor (14 fish by 7 breeders of 6 European countries)
1. 54 – Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)
2. 126 – Salvatore Unali (Totto; Germany)
3. 206 – Matteo Grassi (Gamgam; Italy)

Fem-4b Halfmoon females – All Colors (17 by 9 breeders of 5 European countries)
1. 260 – Michel stokkelaar (nightshift; the Netherlands)
2. 276 – Jolanda Schar (Switserland)
3. 212 – Maurizio Tomei (Italy)
4. 018 – Jamie King (Paradox error; Czech Republic)
5. 143 – Marion Henstra (Germany)

Fem-5 Doubletail females - All Colors (9 fish by 7 breeders of 4 European countries)
1. 97 – Holger Rabe (Germany)

[/u]Fem-6  Crowntail females females - All Colors (20 fish by 10 breeders of 6 European countries)[/u]
1. 262 – Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands)
2. 259 – Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands)
3. 166 – Axel Eywill (Dino47; Germany)
4. 163 – Axel Eywill (Dino47; Germany)
5. 271 – Daniel Dekanek (Slovakia)

Best of Show Male (BOSM)
302- Thomas Chuda (To-Chu Czech Republic)

Reserve Best of Show Male (rBOSM)
287 – Jolanda Schär (Switzerland)

Best of Show Female (BOSF)
201 – Alberto Montalbetti (Alby; Italy)

Reserve Best of Show Female (rBOSF)
32 – Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands)

Jury Prize
166 – Axel Eywill (Dino47; Germany)

Consolation Prize
Maik Faila (Germany)

Best European Breeder
Alberto Montalbetti (Italy)

Public prize
14 – Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)

[size=150]Congratiolations to all the winners!![/size]

Because of the great diversity finnage and color variants the fish entered to our show, were able divided over 23 different show classes. This number of show classes is a record considering the fact we only had 16 show classes in 2010 and 2011. An absolute highlight was the fact that the show class for Crowntail Plakat males (SC-2a) with 17 fish entered by 9 hobbyists from 5 different European countries. This is really promising for the development of this relatively new finnage variant in the future. A second highlight was the fact that a Veiltail was elected as "Best of Show male". With the development of the halfmoon and crowntail, the Veiltail class unfortunately has disappeared from many International betta shows. This fish in our opinion demonstrates that veiltails have the same show potential like any other tailtype presented at our shows. We are excited to see the finnage variant that got so many of us inspired in the hobby reaching show standard and being shown once more in this quality!

In order to get an impression of the Holland Betta Show 2012, here a compilation of pictures taken during this event:

Unpacking the show set-up from the hanger

The spot in the Holland Aquarium Tent where the Holland Betta Show 2012 will be build

Construction of the tables

Putting the tablecloth in place so that the showunits can be put on the tables

Showunits in place!

Time to mount the Bettas4all banner

The banner in place above our stand with flags of the countries represented at our show (unfortunately we did not have a Slovakian flag)

Ready for benching!

Alberto Montalbetti (Alby) and Eugenio Fornasiero (Verdeblubetta) from Italy benching their fish.

Jiri Bosina, Kveta Bosinova and Jamie King (Paradox_error) from Czech Republic benching their fish.

Display of the Zoo Med Betta Products.

Display of the Zoo Med Betta Products.

Starting the judging.

Eugenio Fornasiero (Verdeblubetta; Italy), Boris Weber-Schwartz (Boris; Germany) and Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands) discussing the Asymmetrical Halfmoon Plakat males – Non-iridescent (PK-3b) class.

Axel Eywill (Dino47; Germany), Claus-Peter Gro?e (Darkman0815; Germany) and Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands) during the judging procedure.

Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands), Salvatore Unali (Totto; Germany) and Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands) judging the Halfmoon females – All Colors  (Fem-4b) class

Boris Weber-Schwartz (Boris; Germany) and Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic).

Electing the Best of Show.

Tomas Chuda (To-Chu; Czech Republic) and Stefan Krüger (The-RDS; France) working together to make pictures of the winning fish.

Tomas Chuda (To-Chu; Czech Republic) and Stefan Krüger (The-RDS; France) working together to make pictures of the winning fish.

Our stand crowded with participants after judging.

Our stand crowded with visitors.

Joint breakfast at our sleeping accomodation

Fun at the BBQ!

Fun at the BBQ!

Fun at the BBQ!

It was great to meet both old and new friends from all over Europe and I think this show again proved that Europe is on the right way with respect to developing quality show bettas.

The pictures of the award winning fish will follow as soon as possible :wink:.

Big thanks to you all :D!

With kind regards on behalf of the Bettas4all Show Team 2012,

Joep van Esch


Here some pictures of the winning fish with a special thanks to Tomas Chuda and Stefan Krüger who did their best to picture the winning fish as good as possible. Even though not all fish could be captured in full flare, we hope that you will get an impression of the quality of the fish shown at the Holland Betta Show 2012.

PK-1 + PK-2 Traditional Plakat males – All Colors (3 fish by 3 breeders of 3 European countries)

1. 23 – Jamie King (Paradox error; Czech Republic)

PK-3a  Asymmetrical Halfmoon Plakat males – Iridescent (24 fish by 14 breeders of 5 European countries)

1. 190 – Alberto Montalbetti (Alby; Italy)

PK-3b Asymmetrical Halfmoon Plakat males – Non-iridescent (11 fish by 6 breeders of 5 European countries)

1. 66 – Arie de Koning (Arie; the Netherlands)  

PK-4a Asymmetrical  Halfmoon Plakat males – Lightbody Multicolor (18 fish by 10 breeders of 6 European countries)

1. 113 – Sebastiaan Säck (Zippo1985; Germany)

PK-4b Asymmetrical  Halfmoon Plakat males – Darkbody Multicolor (33 fish by 15 breeders of 6 European countries)

1. 247 – Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republic)

PK-4c Asymmetrical  Halfmoon Plakat males – AOC Banded (9 fish by 5 breeders of 3 European countries)

1. 112 – Sebastian Säck (Zippo1985; Germany)

PK-5 Symmetrical Plakat  males – All colors ( 3 fish by 2 breeders of  2 European countries)

1. 253 – Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republic)

VT-1 Veiltail males – All colors (10 fish fish by 4 breeders of 2 European countries)

1. 302- Thomas Chuda (To-Chu; Czech Republic)

HM-1 Halfmoon males – Unicolor  (18 fish by 11 breeders of 5 European countries)

1. 287 – Jolanda Schär (Switzerland)

HM-2A Halfmoon males – AOC Banded (20 fish by 12 breeders of  European countries)

1. 156 – Marion Fleischer (Gytha; Germany)

HM-2B Halfmoon males – AOC Multicolor (11 fish by 8 breeders of 4 European countries)

1. 282 – Jolanda Schär (Switzerland)

DT-1 +DT-2 Doubletail males – All colors  (5 fish by  breeders of  European countries)

1. 236 – Jiri Bosina (Czech Republic)

CT-1 + CT-2  Crowntail males – All Colors (10 fish by 5 breeders of 4 European countries)

1. 94 – Jolanda Wisseborn (Jolanda; The Netherlands)

SC-2a – Form & Variation Crowntail Plakat (17 fish by 9 breeders of 5 European countries)

1. 243 – Jiri Bosina (Czech Republic)

SC-2b Form & Variation Crowntail Plakat (6 fish by 4 breeders of 4 European countries)

1. 28 – Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands)

Fem-1 Traditional Plakat females – All Colors (6 fish by 3 breeders of  1 European country)

1. 49 – Boris Weber-Schwartz (Boris; Germany)

Fem-2 Veiltail females – All Colors (3 fish by 2 breeders of  2 European countries)

1. 121 – Daniel Dold (Germany)

Fem-3a Halfmoon Plakat females – Iridescent (13 fish by 9 breeders of 4   European countries)

1. 252 – Kveta Bosinova (Czech Republik)

Fem-3b Halfmoon Plakat females – Non-Iridiscent (12 fish by 6 breeders of 3 European countries)

1. 32 – Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands)

Fem-3c Halfmoon Plakat females – All Other Colors (AOC) (16 fish by 8 breeders of 5 European countries)

1. 201 – Alberto Montalbetti (Alby; Italy)

HM-4a Halfmoon females – Unicolor (14 fish by 7 breeders of 6 European countries)

1. 54 – Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)

Fem-4b Halfmoon females – All Colors (17 by 9 breeders of 5 European countries)

1. 260 – Michel stokkelaar (nightshift; the Netherlands)

Fem-5 Doubletail females - All Colors (9 fish by 7 breeders of 4 European countries)

1. 97 – Holger Rabe (Germany)

[/u]Fem-6  Crowntail females females - All Colors (20 fish by 10 breeders of 6 European countries)[/u]

1. 262 – Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands)

Best of Show Male (BOSM)

302- Thomas Chuda (To-Chu Czech Republic)

Reserve Best of Show Male (rBOSM)

287 – Jolanda Schär (Switzerland)

Best of Show Female (BOSF)

201 – Alberto Montalbetti (Alby; Italy)

Reserve Best of Show Female (rBOSF)

32 – Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands)

Jury Prize

166 – Axel Eywill (Dino47; Germany)

Public prize

14 – Jamie King (Paradox_error; Czech Republic)

With kind regards,


Roberto Silverii

Hi Joep!

thanks so much for sharing those beautiful pictures! Really amazing fishes, i totally love the female from Alberto and the Jury prize! :) :)

Again a wonderful show, congratulations to all the Bettas4all team! ;)


Thanks Joep! Very interesting to see so many breeders showing crown tail plakats and a VT winning.
The females all look wonderful to me. Alby's BOS won against strong competition :cheer:
And I like a lot Sebastian Säck's asymmetrical plakat, with those few strong branches.
Matteo :cheer: