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2nd Croatian Betta World Show - 03.-05.10.2014.

Aperto da Werther, Agosto 08, 2014, 12:10:15 PM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva

Roberto Silverii

Allora..chi manda pesci? :) Sarebbe bello partecipare in tanti anche per ricambiare la grande partecipazione degli amici croati ai nostri show..forza! :)



Ciao Pierluca


Citazione di: verdeblu;91329Io spedisco

Citazione di: lux445res;91362Io ho già registrato i miei... :-)



Ho un'altra coppia da spedire domani aggiorno tutto.:thumbs:
Ciao Pierluca


M... dei miei un solo maschio ha i cm per ora
Elen sila lumenn\' omentlievo !

Roberto Silverii

Ho appena iscritto 12 pesci :)

Just registered 12 fishes :)


Thanks Roberto! :)

This is our current list of participants, but we're still waiting for some announced registration forms from Czech Republic (Jamie, Josef...). We think that we'll have around 150-160 bettas at the end.

Thanks a lot to all italian betta lovers which we'll participate in our Betta Show also this year!

List of registered participants:

15 Bettas - Andrej Tihomirovic, Croatia
15 Bettas - Josip Kevari, Austria
10 Bettas - Liviu Dumitrescu, Romania
10 Bettas - Mihai Gigi Sirbu, Romania
 6 Bettas - Janine Knuth, Germany
 6 Bettas - Rainer Winter, Germany
 1 Betta - Cosmin Marius Badulescu, Romania
 4 Bettas - Pierluca Zampardi, Italy
15 Bettas - Jolanda Schär, Switzerland
 6 Bettas - You Shen Chew, Malaysia
 1 Betta - You Chun Chew, Malaysia
10 Bettas - Nermin Huremovic, Slovenia
12 Bettas - Roberto Silverii, Italy
13 Bettas - Eugenio Fornasiero, Germany


Bettas: 124
Breeders: 14
Countries: 8



Citazione di: verdeblu;91660I hope my fish will arrive safe :)
All italian fishes came safe to Croatia!


At the end we have 203 bettas in competition!

Everything is ready for tomorrow judging:

1. Peter Bärwald - main judge

2. Josip Kevari - judge
3. Jamie King - judge

4. Tomáš Chuda - apprentice judge

Roberto Silverii

Have fun! :) and congrats, 203 fishes is a good number! :)


Great !! I wish you a good day's work and please keep us informed.


ciao Pierluca
Ciao Pierluca


All italian breeders had won some places. Tomorrow I'll let you know what places exactly.