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Messaggi - drygam

I can't come to the show but another french judge and breeder can come with a pair of my youngs Betta enisae. What do I have to do to be certain that they will be presented during the show ?
Best regards,
Wildform keeping / Betta enisae and Betta breviobesus
Maggio 09, 2016, 07:31:28 PM
Citazione di: MarZissimo;103141Great topic!

Thanks for sharing. I also have a pugnax complex tank with Betta schalleri.

If you will come to Ranco this year i will be glad to give you some of my fishes :)
We  discussed about the show at Ranco with the other breeders and the  judges during the Swiss Betta Show. Unfortunately I could not release  myself to make the journey with other French breeders. I am a teacher.  Without being able to leave on Fridays, the journey is too long.
Thanks a lot for the schalleri but I have no more too much place in my little "fishbox" : I  have 25 young enisae who become too big for their growing tank and about forty young breviobesus (2 weeks old) to whom I  have to find a place.
My other tanks are for patoti and albimarginata, albimarginata is the species with which I began the wildtypes in 2011.

Citazione di: MarZissimo;103141I also keep an old female of Betta enisae, and it would be great to find her a partener :)
If  you or others breeders are interested, I can ask my french friends if  they can take bettas for me to Ranco. Please send me a pm.

Citazione di: MarZissimo;103141With pugnax complex i think low conductivity (us) paramter is absolutely mandatory :)
I also use chopped earthworms in order to feed them the best as i can, did you ever try them?
No, I never try chopped earthworms but I would want to try other foods that bloodworms which they devour in large numbers.

Citazione di: MarZissimo;103141How often you do water changes and in what measures?
Geneally,  I check the water every month with a conductimeter. The conductivity  does not vary a lot in some of my tanks. In that of the breviobesus, I  was only completing the evaporation since last September. On the other  hand in the tank of the young enisae (65 liters for 25 youngs), I change  a third part of the water every month with 100 % of reverse osmosis  water (conductivity < 30 µS) to maintain the conductivity around 120  µS.

Citazione di: MarZissimo;103141Thanks again for sharing your experience with us and congrats for your awesome photos :)
It's my pleasure.
6-8 may 2016 in Cernier.

Evologia, Grande Salle (same as last year)
Route de l'Aurore 6
2053 Cernier

To show Bettas, buy Bettas or admire Bettas.
To  exchange fish, information, tips and tricks between breeders and  hobbyists, in a friendly atmosphere, and a serious show organisation.
NEW this year: Arts and Crafts classes (IBC G1, G2, G3) !

The schedule and entry form are here
All information in english, german, italian and french here

Last deadline: Monday, May 2nd at midnight !

This is an IBC sanctionned Show judged by an international panel of IBC certified judges.


Wildform keeping / Betta enisae and Betta breviobesus
Aprile 28, 2016, 03:22:24 PM
Citazione di: gamgam;103109Wow, a fantastic batch of young enisae.
So you now have a trio of breviobesus (two males) and a big community of enisae who grew up very well.
Ho did you feed the fries and juveniles?
I do for the easiest.
I feed the fries with brine shrimps nauplii.
When they are enough big, I feed them with frozen brine shrimps then, a few weeks later, with frozen bloodworms.
The young enisae eat also betta pro now but I think that they would eat all that they see.

My first fry of breviobesus was born this night. I got back this first spawn to assure the continuation. The following ones will stay with the adults.

Wildform keeping / Betta enisae and Betta breviobesus
Aprile 28, 2016, 10:09:00 AM
I'd like to share my experience with Betta enisae and Betta breviobesus, two species of the pugnax complex.

A pair of B. enisae was imported from Hermanus Haryanto in June 2015.
A pair of B. breviobesus  was imported from Hermanus Haryanto in October 2015. Unfortunately, I  lost the female during the winter. A second pair was imported in April  2016.

Betta enisae male



Male approximately 11-12 cms measure now.

Betta enisae female



Female approximately 10 cms measure now.

Betta breviobesus male


The oldest male approximately 7-8 cm measure now, the youngest only 5 cm

Betta breviobesus female


Female approximately 5 cms measure now but it did not reach its grown-up size.

When  I posted the photos of my enisae' pair on the French forum of the  CIL-IBSC, the absence caudal transverse bars questioned, and it was said  me that I did not have enisae but breviobesus. That's why I chose to import breviobesus a few months later.

The tank of betta enisae
Tank size : 80 x 45 x 25 cm
Substrate : mud of catappa
Live  plants : Microsorium pteropus, anubia nana, Lemna minor, ceratopteris  cornuta, ceratophyllum demersum and cabomba caroliniana.
Equipment : heater (24°C) and sponge filter.
Water parameters : I watch only the conductivity to maintain it between 100 and 150 µS.


It changed since this picture.

The tank of betta breviobesus
Tank size : 70 x 43 x 23 cm
Substrate : mud of catappa
Live plants : Microsorium pteropus, anubia nana and Lemna minor.
Equipment : heater (24°C) and sponge filter.
Water parameters : I watch only the conductivity to maintain it between 100 and 150 µS.


My enisae'  pair spawned from its arrival. They spawned three times in July and  August, 2015 but no more since. The incubation lasted approximately 2  weeks.



My first pair of breviobesus did not spawn. On the other hand  the second pair spawned from its arrival. At present both males are in  incubation.


Some pictures of my youngster enisae

One day old fry


Two weeks old fry



One month old fry


Three months old fry



Six months old fry


Eight months old fry


All my young males have a pattern in their caudal.


Benvenuto e presentazione / Ciao a tutti !
Aprile 27, 2016, 11:09:30 PM
I try but my posts and pictures do not appear at the moment.
Benvenuto e presentazione / Ciao a tutti !
Aprile 27, 2016, 10:40:35 AM
Hello, my name is Yvan.
I am a French breeder of Bettas.
I breed the following species: B. splendens, B. albimarginata, B. breviobesus, B. enisae and B. patoti.
I  don't have a lot of show betta at present due to the lack of time.  I'm only working on a PKCT strain with another French breeder.
I participated in the 1st show to Ranco but unfortunately my work doesn't allow me anymore to do a so long travel on a weekend.
Best regards,

With the help of a translater but I can't say if it's right :
Buongiorno, mi chiamo Yvan.
Sono un allevatore francese di Bettas.
Alzo le seguenti specie:  B. splendens, B. albimarginata, B. breviobesus, B. enisae and B. patoti.
Non  ho più molti show betta per mancanza di tempo attualmente. Non lavoro  più di un ceppo di PKCT con un altro allevatore francese.
Ho partecipato al 1 show a Ranco ma purtroppo il mio lavoro non mi permette più di fare un tanto lungo tragitto su un week-end.