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Messaggi - Nico

Hello Everyone,

Today the Betta species mahachai becomes Betta mahachaiensis, the descriptions had been publish, it is a new species of Betta. ;)

Yes Betta imbelli and species mahachai look the same, there is the red fin in te imbellis and the shap of the caudale fin in the species mahachai,diamond shap.
We (a friend and I) caught the beautifull little fish in the town of Kuantan in Malaisia last July. there are photos of the biotop and of the fishes in my tank:


We found in the same place : Blue Trichopsis vittata, trichogaster tricopterus, and big snails. the water parameters were 210µS, pH 7,25, T°C 26°C at 9 am
I have a lot of fry of those imbellis for Dijon they will be good.
It was nice
"j'espère avoir tout bien écrit"
Thank you
Thank you ! Nice to meet yo utoo !! :)
I am only on three forum the day ( and at work too) , the night it is for my tanks.
tank 22,5L, conductivity <40µS/cm2, 25°C, pH <6
if you want to know the number of tanks, i have 16  species of Betta, 5 of paros,  3 killifishes, in 61 tanks
8 of 9L,
12 of 12L,
8 of 20L,
2 of 22L,
11 of 25L,
5 of 35L,
4 of 43L,
6 of 54L,
2 of 96L,
3 of 110L
The same friend who gave me the linkei gave me this little parvulus, They are the smallest of all parophromenus (2.5cm)

Nest in a film canister

Altri anabantidi / Parosphromenus linkei Pankalanbun
Ottobre 02, 2012, 08:07:18 PM
This parosphromenus was caught by a friend in Pankalanbun, Bornéo




Hi, I caught this little in Malaisia close to Chini lake (Tasik chini)
In the nature, Parosphromenus need a very soft water (25µS/Cm²)

pics of the biotop:
[quote="verdeblu" post=48105]Hi! I will be happy to see also some of your Parosphromenus, I was trying to breed them but I never succeeded :( I think you will enjoy our forum :love:[/quote]
Give time give time I am just arrived  I'll do it ;)
Thanks everyone !
OK I do it later.
If you want some of those fishes, CIL-IBSC have a spring meeting the week end of 12th april in Dijon, with a grant on sunday
Betta persephone (twin species of miniopina)
I bought a male and 3 females to a german friend of IGL I have more than 50 young.
Adult tank 40x25x25 30µS pH 4.5, 24°C



Pair spawning

fry breeding tank 34x29x29

Betta miniopina
I am a pair from the same friend a few days ago I do not have pics of them, but I put you pics of the parents :

