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Messaggi - maschu


I just want to congratulate all italian winners to their success. You showed some very nice fish in Friedrichshafen, keep on going.

It was very nice to meet you in Friedrichshafen, I can't wait to see you in Ranco again.

Many greetings


thank you very much for the nice wellcome here. And I am really excited to meet the bunch of you in Friedrichshafen. OK, for the rest we must wait until Ranco Show.

Many greetings
Benvenuto e presentazione / Hello from Bremen, Germany
Febbraio 19, 2012, 06:02:47 PM

after along time I had had success. I am here and I can participate.:bounce:

I am very happy about that.

I hope to see many of you in Friedrichshafen at our show.

Many greetings