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Serie di 32 articoli scientifici sul Genere Betta (Lingua Inglese)

Aperto da Roberto Silverii, Dicembre 11, 2013, 11:23:09 AM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva

Roberto Silverii

Species diversity, distribution and habitat characteristics of wild bubble nesting Betta in Thailand
Behavioral changes in fish exposed to phytoestrogens
Betta kuehnei
Betta splendens used in evaluating impact of chemicals on agression
Cerebral Lateralization in Anabantoid fish
Chemical identification of gene controlled pigments
Comparative taxonomy and breeding behaviour
Differences in aggression between wild-type and domesticated
Evolution of mouthbrooding and life-history correlates in the fighting fish genus Betta
Fish ecology in tropical streams
Fish on Prozac Betta splendens
Genetics and Evolution of Pigment Patterns in Fish
Genetics of Betta splendens
Genetics of the Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens
Instrumental conditioning of choice behavior in male splendens
Interval timing in Siamese fighting fish
Isolate rearing condition induces an irreversible shift toward continued fights in the male fighting fish
Lateralization of aggression in fish
Lateralization of display during agression in B splendens
Male 11-ketotestosterone levels change as a result of being watched in Betta splendens
Morphometry of wild bubble nesting betta in thailand
Redescription of Betta pugnax and description of Betta pulchra
Review of the mouthbrooding Betta of Thailand with descriptions of 2 new species
Revision of the Waseri group
The Siamese fighting fish: Well-known generally but little-known scientifically
Six new species of fighting fish
Social partner preferences of male and female fighting fish
Systematics and phylogenetic relationships of pugnax group in Malaysia
The effect of an audience on intrasexual communication of Betta splendens
The influence of sex, line, and fight experience on aggressiveness of Betta splendens in intrasexual competition
Type of intruder and reproductive phase influence male territorial defence in Betta splendens
Variable stress-responsiveness in wild type and domesticated fighting fish

ATTENZIONE: ci rendiamo conto che alcuni di questi articoli possano impressionare alcuni lettori in quanto frutto di esperimenti, ma ricordiamo che sono articoli scientifici accettati dalla comunità scientifica internazionale e quindi redatti seguendo metodi che minimizzano la sofferenza degli animali.

Buona lettura!
