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Bettas4all Standard: Chapter 4 - Color Characteristics

Aperto da Roberto Silverii, Gennaio 14, 2014, 12:59:45 PM

Discussione precedente - Discussione successiva

Roberto Silverii

Chapter 4: Color Characteristics - General

By Joep van Esch - The International Betta Forum

Besides the Characteristics on finnage variety, the various show classes are further classified into color varieties (see Chapter 2). This chapter of the Bettas4all Standard describes the general characteristics of the color Characteristics. The Bettas4all Standard recognizes five different color patterns, namely: single color, bicolor, multicolor, marble and butterfly. These patterns are classified in the various color classes.

Table 4.1   General overview of the color classes and patterns

The "All colors" class is the main class and encapsulates all color patterns. This main class can be further divided into two separate color classes, the "Unicolor" and "All Other Colors (AOC)" classes (see Table 4.1). In the "Unicolor" class the color pattern of the fish consists of one single color. In the "All Other Colors" class, the color pattern of the fish can be bicolor, grizzle, marble, multicolor or butterfly.
As mentioned in Chapter 2, the Bettas4all Judging Team has the right to split show classes in order to create a more interesting and challenging competition. Optional color show classes for the "Unicolor" and "All Other Colors" class are discussed in more detail Chapter 4A and 4B, respectively.

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